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Click here for a print-friendly pdf copy of these rules

Reverend Glenn Barnes,Sr.
Community Service Director

Roderick O. Shelby, Sr.
Chief of Staff

Jefferson County Juvenile Court Commumnity Service


The reasonable and lawful instructions/directions of the assigned supervisor are to be followed and upheld at all times.

  1. You are not to leave the premises at any time throughout your tenure. If you leave before the time scheduled, you will be rescheduled on another day for another 8 hours.
  2. Lack of motivation (not working or barely working) will result in no credit for time served.
  3. Arrangements for transportation from the Juvenile Services Office arking ot must be made prior to returning to the Office for pick up.
  4. The pick-up and drop-off location is the parking lot of the Jack Jones Juvenile Detention Center. Departure time is 7:50 a.m. and return time is 4:30 p.m.
  5. A 30-minute lunch break will be allotted during the workday, in which each individual juvenile participating must provide his/her own lunch.
  6. If you are scheduled on a Saturday and you have a problem at the work site you need to contact Reverend Glenn Barnes, Sr., Community Service Director immediately.
  7. In the event you are unable to attend community service, no credit will be given for the days missed.
  8. You will perform community service at the work site assigned by this office.
  9. Illegal or inappropriate behavior on the part of the participant and/or illegal or inappropriate items on the participant’s person or in or around the participants’ belongings will result in a negative consequence imposed by the Jefferson County Juvenile Court or other law enforcement agency.
  10. As a participant in the program, individuals acknowledge that they are subject to be searched and/or questioned regarding possible inappropriate/illegal behavior/items.
  11. Personal items are not to be exchanged or shared between participants.
  12. Tobacco Products are not allowed and will not be tolerated.
  13. If the community service work site contacts this office because of attitude, behavior, job performance, etc., you will be transported by a Juvenile Officer to the Jack Jones Juvenile Justice Center for further disciplinary action and a parent or guardian will be contacted.
  14. If your evaluation rating for the categories of attitude, willingness to work, and work product are rated other than excellent or good by the community service work site contact, you will not be given credit by Juvenile Services for the hours worked.
  15. You must be dressed in clean appropriate seasonal work clothes (ex. Jeans and tee-shirt or sweat shirt) and wear tennis shoes unless otherwise designated by the work site coordinator.
I understand the Rules of Participation of the “Jefferson County Juvenile Court Clean Up” Project, as listed above and agree that, by signing below, I /my child / am / is under contract to abide by the above rules.


Parent/Guardian___________________ _____________Date ________________

Witness_______________________________________Date ________________

Click here for a print-friendly pdf copy of these rules